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Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquinine may prevent Covid-19 | imdip

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Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquinine on Corona

Dr. Balram Bhargava, Director General, Indian Council for Medical Research announced the usefulness of Hydroxychloroquine over Covid-19. Some of the patients affected by Covid-19 got better health after they were given doses of an antimalaria drug Chloroquine and its derivative hydroxychloroquine.

Not only the Indian Council for Medical Research but President Donald Trump from the United States and Elon Musk(Tesla CEO) also talked about the positive effects of Hydroxychloroquine on Corona patients.

Two patients effected by Covid-19 who were treated in Jaipur, India were also given doses of Chloroquine. And doctors getting a great result by using these antimalarial drugs.

Chloroquine also used to treat other autoimmune disorders. That's maybe the reason for the effectiveness of the drug over Covid-19 patients.

This is not officially announced by the World Health Organisation(WHO) but the FDA (Food and Drug Administration ) also talked about the effectiveness of the drug over Covid-19 patients.

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